I suggest if you have never been here before that you print out this page and bring it with you.
From the U. S. 220 bypass take any exit that comes to Ellerbe, N.C. and turn at the stoplight west onto Page St. Follow Page St. about 2.2 miles and it bears right becoming Grassy Island Road. Continue another 3+ miles on Grassy Island Road. and you will come to race headquarters at Bethel Baptist Church.
If you are coming from the west on US 74 do not come to Rockingham. Instead, turn left/north onto NC Highway 109 in Wadesboro. Proceed several miles until you cross the Pee Dee River and take the next paved right onto Grassy Island Road. Follow Grassy Island Rd. about 13 miles and Bethel Baptist Church will be on your right. It is race headquarters. Make sure and cross the river before turning. There is a Grassy Island Rd. before the river too and it will not lead you to the race.
Bethel Baptist Church is listed at 2063 Grassy Island Rd., Ellerbe, N.C on Google maps. The following numbers are the latitude and longitude of the crossroads that is race headquarters. Try pasting them into your GPS or map site. 35.047341, -79.853180
Don't ask any locals. Most of them have never heard of this race.